Monday, December 26, 2016

Finding Myself

Ello, ello everyone!

I hope you guys are having an amazing holiday season (to those who celebrate Christmas like myself, Merry Christmas!) and are having wonderful times with family and friends. :)

Now, as I look at the holiday season most people would mainly get caught up in the social aspect of Christmas- family meals, shopping for loved ones, spending time with friends, and of course presents, all which are great! But we often forget the religious aspect as well. That is the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. He sacrificed so much for us, and sometimes we overlook that and take his love for granted. I hope this time around we can take time to be thankful for everything we have been blessed with, especially the small things! :)

Okay, moving along to the other main point of this blog post. This holiday season I've been feeling kinda lost, as in not knowing myself. I don't know who I am, and I feel the need to have an idea of who I am asap. But, we can't do that can we? We can't find ourselves in one day. It's a journey we'll be on for the rest of our lives and we'll be constantly changing along the way. I feel like I'm a combination of two different people. There's the "chill and calm" me, most commonly seen when I'm alone, and then there's the "energetic and fun" me, most common persona of me at school and with my friends. There's also the me that likes things to be minimalistic and simple and the me that feels like life needs to have more color. Do you kinda see the jest of it? I have two different personalities, and sometimes it just gets confusing. I don't know what exactly I'm searching for, maybe an answer to which side is truly me? But, I don't think there's really a clear cut answer for that. :/ So what do I do? I honestly learn best from another person so, is there anywhere I can go for advice? I think that'd be great.

My life right now is a little bit complicated. Not very rough, don't worry. :) It's just I don't feel comfortable talking to any of my friends about this kinda "deep stuff", ya know? Especially because going into high school I made new friends, and I'm in a "new scene". *sigh* The complications of a not-so-typical 14 year old girl. I bet I'll be laughing at this blogpost some day. :)

Well, despite this once again I hope you all had an amazing holiday season and if you're feeling "lost" as well, I hope we can find ourselves together. :)

~  With love,

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

My New Chapter

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Hello lovely internet world!

Welcome to my new blog! My name is Natasha and I'm so happy you've stumbled upon my little corner here on the internet! ^.^

I was actually debating with myself whether or not to start this new blog. I've had about 3 blogs prior to this one all which are now inactive due to personal reasons. Basically to sum it up, I just felt really fake. I used my Korean name "Naeun" majority of the time because I didn't want any of my school friends to find out about my online persona. However that plan crashed and now a handful of my friends found the "online me".

Looking back to some of my old YouTube videos and blogposts, I was shocked to see how different I acted in comparison to real life. Of course, I usually go by Naeun when I'm speaking Korean or with my Korean friends but since I'm not very fluent in Korean I usually act a bit shy. Plus in Korean I just express myself differently, does that make any sense? Like when I speak another language, another side of me just kicks in and acts more accordingly to the culture and whats expected. Geez that must sound really weird, but it's true! I basically let the "Naeun" side of me take over the entire time and completely neglected the true me.

Right now I'm in the midst of my freshmen year in high school, and I'm slowly starting to find the true me. So, I want to start fresh with my social media life and showcase the true me- quirks and all.

I basically want to show people the real me. So, in this blog I'll be documenting my life. It'll kinda be like a diary filled with things I love, and I definitely won't be afraid to tell people about the online me any longer. :) So yeah, hi! I'm Natasha, it's nice to meet you! :) Instead of just welcoming you to my blog I thought I'd answer a few frequently asked questions so, leggo!

1.) Where are you from?

I'm from the United States of America. I was born here and lived here my entire life.

2.) How old are you?
I'm currently 14 years old! Surprise! I'm an '02 liner! People either tell me I look a bit younger or a bit older than my actual age.

3.) What your ethnicity?
It's kinda a mouthful but here it goes. I'm part Korean, part German, part Malaysian-Chinese, part Malaysian-Indian. I can speak a little bit of Mandarin but all my relatives in Malaysia speak Hokkien for their mother tongue. I also know a tiny bit of Malay due to the countless episodes of Waktu Rehat I binge watched as a kid. And as for other languages I can understand a good amount of  Korean since I love Korean culture! (Kdramas, Kpop, the whole shebang!) And lastly I know the tiniest bit of Japanese since my Korean grandmother lived in Osaka and Tokyo growing up. Whew! Told you it was a mouthful. My family often jokes that its already an enriching culture experience just growing in the family! lmao

3.) Kpop stans? *wink, wink*
I'll channel my inner kpop girl in a separate post some time soon. haha. So stay tuned!

4.) Where do you like to shop?
Hmmm. I honestly just gravitate towards anything comfortable but I like to shop at stores such as H&M, Forever 21, AĆ©ropostale, and ooh I love TJMaxx with a passion!

5.) What are your hobbies?
Besides blogging and YouTube, I'm quite the indoorsy kinda gal. I love watching Kdramas, journaling, listening to music, doodling, and reading. :) Although, I'm all about trying new things so traveling is right up my alley too. I also enjoy playing tennis, which is something I recently picked up this year.

I hope this helped you to get to know me a little bit better and feel free to ask me anything else you'd like to know! I'm pretty open to talk about anything. :) hehe

Until next time!

~  With love,